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Police show they do listen

Monty Modlinger chats to street bobby Andy Hubbard

Monty Modlinger chats to street bobby Andy Hubbard

The local policing team responsible for Gensing ward held a street meeting for residents at the YMCA in St Paul’s Road on 23rd February. PC Nick Marriott, street bobby Andy Hubbard, and Peter Rolfe, Community Warden for St.Leonards were in attendance, as were local councillors Andrew Cartwright and Vivienne Bond. The meeting was open to all residents of St Paul’s Road, Cranbrook Road, Horntye Road and Salisbury Road.
Peter Rolfe said, “In the world we have today it’s important to get out there and meet people. Because of these meetings the police and wardens get to know people, so we can resolve issues and hopefully nip them in the bud – though some might take a little bit longer.”
PC Nick Marriott said, “It’s extremely important that we give local residents the chance to have a chat and raise any issues they might have.”  PCSO Andy Hubbard said that the meetings were “very good in helping to get a community attitude going.” He explained, “If it’s not something that is for the police to deal with, we can tell people that there’s lots of other departments to help, and both councillors Andrew and Vivienne come in case there’s issues people want to discuss which are more their remit.”
He said that he and a volunteer had delivered 300 leaflets advertising the meeting to local homes. Posters had also been put up on lamp-posts, and local businesses had been very supportive with leaflets.

Vivienne Bond airs concerns with community warden Peter Rolfe

Vivienne Bond airs concerns with community warden Peter Rolfe

Friendly and approachable street bobby Andy Hubbard

Friendly and approachable street bobby Andy Hubbard

Street Warden Peter Rolfe

Street Warden Peter Rolfe

PC Nick Marriott

PC Nick Marriott

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