Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere


[We had five nice people volunteering to do our proof-reading, unfortunately, such was the rush at Christmas to get out this edition, that none were asked to check this issue. Fingers crossed that not too many howlers have slipped through.
Last month, we started selling ‘Bohemia Village’ car stickers from our shop. Will wearing a sticker on one’s car help the village community spirit? Maybe. If you haven’t bought one yet, they are £2 each.
We are very sad to report the death of Chris Fenn, who seems to have been greatly liked by everyone who knew him. And we will think we could have given him a little more of our attention, and perhaps resolve to find some of that precious commodity, time, for others in our lives. At least, for a while we will … and then the phone will ring and we’ll forget.
Our ‘campaign’ to have a red phone box in Bohemia has been temporarily put on ice. In three months we collected just £6 and by the time we’d got enough (about £2,000) to buy one, they’d probably have become completely redundant.
At the time of going to press, we don’t know the outcome of the petition to save the Springfield Road Post Office. The postmaster, Mr Korniotis, sent off all the signatures on Monday 17 December.

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