Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Editorial 54

Yes, they’re at it again – they want to take away our nearest post office, (p1) – please cut out and sign our petition if you want to help save it (p5).
Life must be pretty sweet in Tower Road (p 7) – only eight people had anything to get off their chests. 
A lady recently asked ‘Who pays for your magazine?’ The answer is that it is put together by volunteers and our advertising revenue pays for printing and distribution. So, special thanks to all our advertisers, without whose loyal support we wouldn’t exist.
We are sad to have lost our proof-reeder Nick Pryde but wish him well for the future. Wer’e quiet confidant however that we can mannage to spot any errers that might creap in. But if their’s a person out their with a kean eye for detale, we’d love to here from you …
Finally, a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – from Sue, John and Julian.

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