Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

In Short

Short Story Competition

Those readers eager to learn who has won our ultra-short story competition will have to wait another month. The editor has decided that the judges need longer to consider their verdict, so the results will be announced in our next issue. A total of 23 stories were received, and each judge has been given a complete set for their due consideration. 

St Peter’s Church Quiz Nite

Teams of up to six people are invited to register for the quiz night to be held on Saturday 21st April at St Peter’s Church Hall. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 start. Entry costs £2.50 per contestant, and it’s bring-your-own drinks (including alcoholic ones) and nibbles. There’s an intermission raffle, plus prizes for the winning team, and, of course, the ‘wooden-spooners’ will go home with something interesting.
To register your team, please call Stewart Buchan on 435922.

Street bobby’s drop-in

Bohemia street bobby Andy Hubbard will be holding a drop-in session for members of the public from 10am to 1pm on Wednesday 28th March at the YMCA in St Paul’s Road. One of our local street wardens will also be present, as well as a member of the ASBO unit and representatives of other agencies. Whatever your worry – be it dog mess or antisocial behaviour – there should be someone there you can talk to.

Karina’s Wool Shop

Shoplifters have taken scarves from the Wool Shop. A gang recently walked off with a couple of scarves from Karina’s Wool Shop in Bohemia Road. Two women and a man came into the shop on Friday 23rd February, and the man flashed a £50 note as if he intended to buy something. Shop owner Brenda Garnett told the Voice, ‘I thought it was a bit funny that he was waving a fifty. It didn’t seem quite right. The women were looking at the wool over by the door. Then the man started messing up the fashion scarves I’ve got arranged on the counter. I was a bit put out by that, but when they left I realised a couple of the scarves were missing. I reported it to the police, but they say there’s not much they can do.’ Brenda says that she is more upset by the fact that it happened than by any financial loss. If you see this gang at work in the area, contact our local street bobby Andy Hubbard on 0845 60 70 999, ext. 21185.


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