Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

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DOROTHY WOOD. Local newsagent Dorothy Wood has been unable to attend her daughter’s wedding in northern Australia. Dorothy, who recently celebrated her 80th birthday, suffered a thrombosis a little over two years ago. Various airlines and insurers refused to fly her to the wedding, which took place in Cairns on 16th December, after local doctors declined to issue her a medical certificate. ‘I tried three different local doctors to obtain a certificate, but they all turned me down. You’re not allowed to fly within three years of having a thrombosis, and unfortunately my daughter couldn’t postpone her wedding.’
CORMORANT? Local councillor Vivienne Bond has spotted what she believes is a cormorant nesting in a tree overlooking Shornden Lake on the west side of Alexandra Park. Is this a good omen for the village?
MAN FOUND DEAD. A local man in his early sixties was found dead in his flat last month. The body of a dog believed to belong to him was found with him in the property, which is situated above the Bet Bet Bet 24/7 shop in Bohemia Road. The case is still being investigated and as such the Coroner’s Office was not able to provide us with any details. [JB]

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