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Chris Gimblett Y pays tribute

Chris Gimblett - 1946-2006 - 100% into everything.

Chris Gimblett - 1946-2006 - 100% into everything.

[Chris Gimblett died in June 2006]

Chris took over as Chairman at the YMCA annual general meeting in October 2005. The write-up in the Observer said a lot about his dedication to charity, and he was extremely well thought of by all of us who met him.

      Chris put 100% into everything that he did, and he will be sadly missed. He had big plans for the YMCA and we will be doing our best to continue with these. I personally met Chris in October last year, and worked with him in “Surviving Christmas”, before being taken on as an administrator at the YMCA in March of this year. On May 31st I was promoted to CEO, and have a lot to thank Chris for myself, so I will be personally doing my utmost to carry on with his wishes for the YMCA, along with the staff and board members who have all been hugely supportive so far.

Karen Manning, CEO, The YMCA, St Paul’s Rd.


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