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For bohemians everywhere

Edward Preston – He’s Coming (1979)

[From ‘Bohemian Bagatelle‘, published 1979 by the Bohemians]




We’re in the 1980s, and things are looking grim

To nearly ev’rybody, ‘cept those who look for Him;

For He’s coming very shortly, yes, He’s coming in the clouds.

He’s coming, yes, He’s coming; He’ll be seen by all the crowds.


Now Satan tries his damndest to win all the souls away,

To join his hate-filled army before the great Lord’s day.

For He’s coming very shortly, yes, He’s coming with a shout;

With the voice of the archangel, so watch what you’re about.


No man can know the hour, no man can know the day

When He’ll make His second coming to bring this world to bay.

But He gave us certain warnings of things that then would be,

When He’s coming, coming, coming, for all the world to see.


For we’re living in the last days, with earthquakes, wars, famines,

False prophets try to woo us to commit all kinds of sins.

So look up to the heavens, count Jesus as your Friend,

For He’s coming to the faithful who endure unto the end.


Edward G. Preston

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