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Stagecoach Bus Service

Mrs Williams writes (Oct 2008)

Dear Sir, on Thursday 11 Sep I was thrown off a number 99 bus. The bus arrived at 9.28 and I was told I couldn’t use my bus pass – which doesn’t become valid until 9.30. So I offered a £5 note to the driver. He had no coins and told me to ask the other passengers, saying ‘It’s not my job to provide change’. No-one on the bus had any change for my fiver so the driver told me to get off the bus. I had to wait 20 minutes for the next bus.

Mrs Williams, Horntye Road

Mrs Williams does seem to have been treated very shabbily.We understand that from Oct.1st bus passes – for the more elderly amongst us! – will now start at their original time of 9am – ed.

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