Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Dog Mess – St Peter’s Road

By Lorrie Quinnell (Jun 2007)

Dear Sir,

I live and work in the Bohemia area. It is one of the nicest areas of St Leonards, with a wide variety of shops, bus routes to all of Hastings and surrounding areas and a stone’s throw from Alexandra Park. However, the only downfall is the dogs’ mess on both sides of St Peter’s Road. This is a very busy road at certain times of the day as people use the local school. It’s mainly busy mums with young children and pushchairs.

The last thing these busy mums need is to have to clean the dogs’ mess off their carpets that their children have trodden in or the wheels of their buggies have run over. Could our local bobby Andy patrol this area at some point during the day to try to get the ignorant dog owners to clean up after their dogs. You know who you are.

Lorrie Quinnell, London Road.



Richard Slater writes (July 2007) Dear Sir, with reference to the letter in issue 48 from Lorrie Quinnell about the constant presence of dog mess all along St Peters Road, I – and no doubt you – as a resident can confirm that St Peters Road is patrolled regularly by both the PCSO and Hastings borough wardens. Lots of other people – residents, tradespeople, mothers on their way to and from the school, etc,  also use the road during the daytime and would certainly react if they saw a dog-walker leaving mess on the pavement. I therefore suspect that the problem occurs later in the evening, at night or early in the morning, when few people are around to see. If so, then, unfortunately, since the PCSO and wardens only seem to patrol during ‘office hours’ they are unlikely to be effective in solving this problem. Of course, if local people didn’t leave the mess (or drop the litter) in the first place, there wouldn’t be a problem to solve. Richard Slater, St Peter’s Road, Bohemia.

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