Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Thrifting and upcycling

By John Humphries, Dec 2011

Lorna Watson

Lorna Watson

Hastings resident and Brighton-trained horticulture student Lorna Watson (picture) is theGreen Lady – “I am an artist, gardener, crafter and mum to a four-year-old. I love thrifting – (‘thrifting’ means you visit thrift stores which is a more glamorous, US, term for charity shops), swimming in the sea, cycling and upcycling – (‘upcycling’ is making new things from old things). Like today I made some roses from an old pair of pyjamas, a jumper and some fabric scraps”. Lorna learned gardening from her Lithuanian grandparents in Scotland who grew their own vegetables and had ‘a beautiful flower and rose garden’.

A Leafy Owl

A Leafy Owl

Upcycled Roses

Upcycled Roses

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