Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Len Shelley & Angie Bitcliffe

By John Humphries, Aug 2011

Hastings Mus BV 80 cover

We were no better off than before – By Len Shelley

Len Shelley

HASTINGS MUSEUM – is presenting a retrospective exhibition of the works of Len Shelley and Angie Bitcliffe. Both died within a few weeks of each other, of cancer last year. They were “hugely popular and influential figures within Hastings and the wider art world. Both worked closely with Hastings Museum and Art Gallery over the years, as exhibitors, guest curators and workshop leaders”. The exhibition, at Hastings Museum in Bohemia runs until 23 October. The above picture (and our cover illustration) shows Len’s We were no better off than before. Info: 451052.

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