Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Bohemia Village Voice ‘slightly’ larger

Paul Elmes writes (Jul 2006)

Dear Publisher,

Your note attached to your last newsletter (#26) read “Dear Reader, here is today’s copy of the Bohemia Village Voice, a slightly larger than usual size – because of all the pretty pictures. Hope you enjoy it.”  

Euphemism “slightly” meaning that, and I quote:

Slightly 1 adverb she felt slightly ill at ease A LITTLE, a bit, somewhat,  moderately, to some degree, to a certain extent, to a slight e; faintly, vaguely, obscurely; marginally, a shade; informal sort of,  kinda.
should be replaced by OPPOSITE: very, meaning…….
very 1 adverb Im not very brave read each question very carefully EXTREMELY, exceedingly, exceptionally, especially, tremendously, immensely, vastly, hugely; extraordinarily, extra, excessively, overly, over, abundantly, inordinately, singularly, significantly, distinctly, outstandingly, uncommonly, unusually, decidedly, particularly, eminently, supremely, highly, remarkably, really, truly, mightily, thoroughly; all that, to a great extent, most, so, too; Scottish unco; French tres; N. English right; informal terrifically, awfully, terribly, devilishly, madly, majorly, seriously, desperately, mega, ultra, ohso, tootoo, stinking, mucho, damn, damned, too  for words; informal, dated devilish, hellish, frightfully; Brit. informal ever so, well, bloody, dead, dirty, jolly, fair; N. Amer. informal real, mighty, powerful, awful, plumb, darned, way, bitching; S. African informal lekker; archaic exceeding, sore.

I remain, Sir, slightly annoyed at not being able to receive your latest edition as it was far too big to fit into my email inbox.

Paul Elmes, St Leonards.

[Fair enough. But I can’t see the problem of largish file sizes going away until perhaps the newsletter is published on the web with a simple link e-mailed to readers to click on – ed.]

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