Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Puzzle Corner 1209

1209. Bottle and cork

A man goes into a shop and asks for a bottle and a cork. He is told that the bottle and cork cost 21 pence. He then asks how much the cork costs. He is told that the bottle costs 20 pence more than the cork.

So, how much does the bottle cost and how much does the cork cost ? If you are tempted to say the cork costs 1 pence, think again.


1209. Television set

Three men decide to buy a secondhand television. They find one which costs £30 so they each contribute £10
and pay the shopkeeper for the television. Once they have left the shop, the shopkeeper, a man of conscience, believes he has overcharged them, so sends his assistant after the men with five £1 coins. The assistant, who believes she is underpaid, keeps £2 for herself and gives the men £1 each.

So the television cost each of them £9, and in total they have paid £9 x 3 = £27. The shopkeeper’s assistant kept £2 for herself. £27 + £2 = £29. So where did the other pound go ?



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