Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Veterans’ Day

War memorial in Bohemia New York, at the corner of Church Street and Smithtown Avenue. (Diane Haberstroh)

War memorial in Bohemia New York, at the corner of Church Street and Smithtown Avenue. (Diane Haberstroh)

YESTERDAY WAS VETERANS’ DAY. All the schools, banks, post offices, and libraries were closed. While my son was at soccer practice, I took a few pictures (I’m trying out my new camera) of the war memorial in Bohemia [below]. There apparently was a wreath ceremony earlier in the day, but I missed it.

Early in my library career, there was a an old veteran of World War II who would visit twice a week over the course of a year or two. He was a bit of a mystery. Many staff members thought he was homeless and was just waiting in the library for the nearby soup kitchen to open. He would come in and chitchat with me, mostly about the weather, then sit by himself at a particular table. He was very soft-spoken and polite. He always wore the same baseball cap with a veteran’s emblem on it. He told me a bit about his days in the army, but I have forgotten the details over the years.
Then one day the old fellow gave me his hat. I would have put the hat on my head for fun, but I was at the reference desk and it would not have been viewed as appropriate by some. I also had a fear of head lice (I hate to admit that). I thanked him, but told him that I couldn’t accept presents. He insisted I have it. He gave me a smile and then left. I never saw him again. His life would remain somewhat of a mystery to all of us at the library. I am certain that he is dead by now. That was about sixteen years ago. But I will always think of him every Veterans’ Day. 
[12 Nov 2009].

Diane Haberstroh

Diane Haberstroh

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