Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Vivienne Bond Liberal Democrat

Voice:   What is your background? Vivienne:   I was born here and I’ve lived here all my life. By profession I was a dancing teacher. I used to perform in the Hastings Musical Festival, and won a gold medal for dancing in 1968. I worked for Esme Child, one of the three big dancing schools in Hastings, then started my own dancing school in Red Lake Terrace, which I had for ten years. I taught dancing in private schools and opened a small branch in Pebsham, which I had until 1998. Now I’m a teacher’s assistant at Torfield Special Needs School.
Voice:  What is your political experience?
Vivienne:   I first became a councillor in 1998. My husband and I had a greengrocer’s shop in Bohemia Road from 1986 until his death in 2001, and through that we got involved in the local community. We joined the Bohemia Area Association, and my husband was asked to stand as a councillor. He declined, because he said he wouldn’t be able to hold his tongue!  He suggested I do it instead, and after my initial horror, I thought, why not? We’re meant to be just ordinary people representing communities, so I’m still here 10 years later.
Voice:  What are the local issues?
Vivienne:  Security and safety; policing and safety in the streets. Environmental issues; dog mess and fly-tipping. The paths at the top of the Park are starting to be repaired. I worked six years on that one. Lack of parking. Street cleaning. Planning issues that affect people’s lives. Finding out why groups of youths roam the streets when there are so many places they can go – the YMCA, Horntye, and lots of others. They would like somewhere for themselves, a “youth hub”, but funding is a big issue.
Twin bins. I’m very much involved in ensuring Gensing ward gets taken out of the whole issue. It needs much more consultation within each street. Currently there’s a weekly collection of rubbish and recycling, but this is only on hold.
Voice: What do you plan to do if elected?
Vivienne: Continue working for local people and the community; help sort out parking; make sure streets are kept clean and safe; try to find funding for a youth club in St. Leonards; work with the other councillors for the betterment of people in Hastings and St. Leonards.
I’ve been deputy mayor since last May. I would still like to be deputy mayor next year if I win the seat.
Voice: What distinguishes you from the other candidates? Vivienne: As Lib-Dems we are allowed to think for ourselves, and are not driven by the Party Whip. I am a very, very, local person. I go and speak directly to the people rather than leave it to others. I try to talk to the people involved in issues. I do things myself, and don’t leave it to somebody else. 

Lib Dem candidate Vivienne Bond

Lib Dem candidate Vivienne Bond

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