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Mel Fisher says thank you

Little hats

Little hats

Mel Fisher writes (Jul 2008)

I would like, if I may, to say a very big thank you to everyone who has donated their old (and new ) wool for me to continue knitting for Save The Children. I have been overwhelmed at the response and kindness of strangers and friends. I now have enough wool to keep me going for several months at least. I feel that you can all be proud of yourselves for you just may have saved many babies’ lives.

Thank you all so much. I have often sat and watched appeals on the television, whether it’s for people or animals, asking for a small monthly donation, but unfortunately am not in a position to help. So I am happy that by knitting these hats etc I feel I am doing something useful, something that comes from the heart and not my purse. [Picture: some of Mel’s knitting]

Mel Fisher, St Peter’s Road.



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