Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Picture Puzzle 60 – answer

Vic & Jean Watson  [photo kindly supplied by Vic Watson].

Vic & Jean Watson [photo kindly supplied by Vic Watson

Watson’s Greengrocers has become part of Wood’s Newsagents in Bohemia Road. This month’s winner is Tim Leakey of Magpie Close who has been sent a £10 Empress Art gift voucher. Well done, Tim. In the picture (below), Jean & Vic Watson are shown outside their shop [late 50s?]. The business to the right was a sweetshop run by two sisters. No.90, to the left, was run by Mr Modlinger as a hairdressers. Vic says ‘At the time there were nine greengrocers in Bohemia, including Tower Road. My wife and I ran the shop for 37 years, selling fruit and veg and flowers. We were open 5½ days a week and each morning there was a queue of people stretching round to Tower Road.

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