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Communal bins coming to Bohemia?

A delightful and inspiring Communal Bin in Brighton

A delightful and inspiring Communal Bin in Brighton

Are communal bins coming to Bohemia? Local councillor Andrew Cartwright says “The Council will shortly be writing to all residents of Bohemia regarding the possible introduction of communal bins and more wheelie bins. The proposals are only tentative at this stage. The Council has promised to consult with residents and undertake a property survey. Current thinking is that a mixture of wheelie bins (twin bins) and large communal bins might be appropriate for Bohemia depending upon the circumstances of each street. Although the Council’s approach is much more professional than their previous attempt to introduce wheelie bins – in 2007 – some mistakes are still being made. Please let me know your concerns. My belief is that, all things considered, this second attempt is likely to prove much more successful than the first. It should lead to cleaner streets and increased recycling without causing unnecessary inconvenience to residents. As always, I will be willing to assist residents with their concerns and take action on their behalf where appropriate”.
In August Andrew visited Brighton to see their on-street communal bins, where they are used only for refuse – not recyclables. “Hastings Borough Council is considering using them for both refuse and recyclables”, says Andrew. “Most of the bins there are operated by foot pedal only – which I felt might cause some residents to overbalance, however, a new model with a handle is being trialled”.

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