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Future for Bohemia?

A healthy, pleasant gateway to the town centre?

A healthy, pleasant gateway to the town centre?

Will Bohemia ever return to being a major retail centre?

Could Bohemia become ‘a healthy, pleasant gateway to the town centre’? This was the exciting vision put forward by Rob Woods, Hastings Town Centre Manager at the BAA’s (Bohemia Area Association’s) September meeting. As an introduction to the talk, the chair Peter Holland read an article from the Hastings Observer entitled ‘Bohemia Road residents call for a better deal’ – a piece written eight years ago! But can Rob’s vision be realised – possibly via a ‘BID’? Rob outlined the process involved in a BID, (Business Improvement District), but doubted whether Bohemia contained sufficient businesses to generate the £5,000 minimum workable amount to initiate the process.
However, Rob asked if the Bohemia business community and the BAA could be encouraged to apply BID principles to produce a draft plan to improve the area. He also said he thought it would be possible to match any funds so raised. A sub-committee was duly formed and Rob offered his assistance.  The discussion broadened and included grave doubts about whether Bohemia would return to being a major retail centre. Bohemia missed out on the Regeneration Funding, which has now ceased, and the new emphasis is on ‘upskilling’ and training. As retailing is declining in Bohemia, the possiblity of alternative uses for unused premises, such as offices, studios and workshops, was raised. The value of ‘niche’ businesses bringing shoppers to Bohemia was pointed out.
o Peter Holland of the BAA said ‘it was disappointing that only five local businesses were represented at the meeting. It would be easier for the BAA to campaign for a vibrant Bohemia with more support from the business community. [Information kindly supplied by the BAA].

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