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Crazy Bones here

Crazy Bones

Crazy Bones

Latest kid’s sensation “Crazy Bones” has hit Bohemia. Alison of Cheap & Cheerful in Bohemia Road says “The kids love them – they’re all the rage”. They’re funny little plastic figures that kids collect and do battle with.” Here’s some facts about Gogo Crazy Bones: there are 80 different pieces, each with its own characteristics, e.g. number 73 is Maka; ‘favourite game: scoring; a true individual, happy with his unusual looks, ability: paints and clouds’. Number 79 is Snok ‘favourite game: bowling; spends long hours under water; everybody goes crazy looking for him; ability: deep breathing’. Each of the pieces comes in up to nine different colours: toothpaste (striped), glowies (they glow in the dark and are rare), ice bones (transparent), jellies, sparkles, precious metals (gold, very rare), gooies, whistlers (they come with a small hole for whistling through) and metals. It doesn’t stop there. These 80 characters, in nine colours, are from just one series, “Gogo’s Crazy Bones”. But there are at least another eight series including Things, Buddies, Aliens, Mutants, Sports, Ghost Dragonball Z, Mega Bones  and New Generation! The appeal of Crazy Bones reminds one of Pokemon (remember that?). Alison says “Crazy Bones are great for collecting, but they’re also for playing with. You can play Crazy Soccer and Bone Roll as well as the classic Crazy Bone games”

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