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Mystery Butterfly

Butterfly - Which Species?

Butterfly – Which Species?

Dear Sir,

I photographed this pretty butterfly which was flitting around my garden earlier today [3 June 2009]. Would any reader know which species it is?

Jo Hunter (Mrs), St Peter’s Road.









Phil Sellens writes (Sep 2009) Dear Sir, the butterfly photograph (July 2009), sent in by Jo Hunter, is of a ‘Painted Lady’. It is a  migratory butterfly and a great number have arrived here from the Continent over the last couple of months. The migration starts from North Africa and the immigrants are particularly prolific this year. Phil Sellens.Warrior Square.

Rosi Bryer writes (Sep 2009) Dear Editor, your reader Jo Hunter (Mrs) who asks for the name of the beautiful butterfly she has found: it’s a painted lady. They are pretty and there are lots of them about at the moment. If Mrs Hunter, or any of your readers who spot a painted lady, want, they can log this on a national website:  (Mrs) Rosi Bryer, Peel Road, Brighton (via email).

Keith Sellens writes (Sep 2009) Dear Sir, I cannot believe that someone didn’t know the name of this butterfly! It’s a painted lady and 20 million of them are reckoned to have come over this year from North Africa. In June, whilst walking across a field, I saw literally hundreds of them. From a distance and when flying, it is similar in appearance to a small tortoiseshell, which I haven’t seen for at least three years.
Keith Sellens, Bohemia Road.

Our thanks to several other readers who correctly identified this butterfly.




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