Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

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Bohemia Arts & Crafts Exhibition – Shirley Ferguson

Shirley (right) talking to potential customer Stella Logan

Shirley (right) talking to potential customer Stella Logan

Shirley Ferguson makes and sells handmade soaps and bath treats. “This is the first time I’ve had an exhibition”, she said. “I only started at Christmas last year. I bought a soap making kit via the internet and just started making stuff. As I got more confident, I’ve been experimenting and making up my own recipes. All my soaps include essential oils. I use recycled bottles, jars and baskets as often as possible.” Shirley is more than happy to take customers’ special requests for individual items and can make gift baskets to order. 
o Shirley trades under the name of Poppet’s Baths, tel: 01424 444656, email: 

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