Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

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School changes colour

Photo: Bill Third

Photo: Bill Third

St Peter’s Road residents like to keep an eye on what is going on in their street. Tina Light spotted two men  measuring up the perimeter fence of Christchurch School, They told her it was for a replacement fence. Tina asked whether the colour would be the ‘Hussar Blue’, which the school uses as its house style. They replied ‘it might well be’.
Together with neighbour Bill Third they wrote to the school governors asking whether the new fence could be in a more muted colour, one that would blend in with the foliage of the bank. They also pointed out the importance of the trees to the stability of the bank and that one of the trees (picture) was half-rotten and potentially formed a risk to children and pedestrians.
To their great delight, the school confirmed that the fence would be in green or black and would thus blend in. However the dead sections of the tree will need to be lopped before work on the new fence can commence.

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